DISCLAIMER: The characters herein are the property of 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting. The situations into which we have placed them are our own. CATEGORY: S, MSR RATING: NC-17 SPOILERS: None. Not quite sure in which universe this takes place, either :) ARCHIVING: Please archive at Gossamer. Do not forward to ATXC. SUMMARY: Oh, the trials and tribulations of jealousy and frustration. AUTHORS' NOTES: This story is dedicated to all the Screamers and to MG. Though too many to name, they all know who they are and that they have all our love and gratitude. Special thanks to Lisa, our Agent, for all her help and all-around wonderfulness! The scenes alternate between characters -- we begin with Mulder and continue with Scully. No change from that pattern. Mulder's sections were written by Emma Baker, and Scully's were by Michaela Iery. We created the plot together. NOTE: This story in no way endorses the consumption of tobacco products. Kids -- they'll rot your internal organs and suck your allowances dry, okay? Never fear, Mulder will soon be forced to kick the proverbial habit. Please send all feedback to emmalanna@aol.com or to mickirae@aol.com ******** SMOKING By Michaela and Emma Baker ******** God, I need a cigarette. And I don't even smoke. Can't stand the stuff. Lord knows I should have been turned off of it altogether by now, after having spent the past four-odd years chasing The Black-Lunged Bastard (as I've officially named him). But I'm actually twitching here. My legs are shaking and I can almost taste the nicotine on my tongue. You know, now that I think about it, I can taste her on my tongue. Considering I've never actually put my tongue in contact with her skin, the idea that I'd know what Scully tastes like is pretty damn impressive. But I have my ideas, my theories. It's normal. It happens. Especially when you're with such a fucking amazing woman 24/7. Not that I'm complaining. Hell, no. I just know these things -- pick up on these nuances. Like the way her skin might taste. Clean. Very clean. Maybe a little salty. Like she'd scrubbed her skin with Ivory soap and one of those little loofahs. She probably buys Ivory just for that little "99.44% Pure" logo. That's my Scully -- not one to put up with any excess. How would she smell? Well, I sure as hell know that. She smells of coffee and of the sandalwood of her lotion. I'll bet he knows too. Chuck. What kind of a godawful name is that? Chuck. I say it aloud, my lips twisting into a sneer. He was probably a frat boy in college, trying to hit four keggers before midnight and avoiding any classes that started before noon. The kind of guy who always made overachievers like me feel like losers. Well, I still feel like a loser, because he's out with Scully tonight. Bastard. She *says* he's an old college boyfriend. She *says* he's married with a lovely wife and two kids (all three conveniently out of town for a soccer tournament). She *says* they're just getting together to talk about old times and that it'd be ridiculous not to look him up while we're in Ohio on this case. Screw this case. Screw Chuck. Okay, scratch that. Just don't let HER screw him. Damn, did I just think that? I need a cigarette. I grab the keys to the rental car and tear out of the room. I can't be in here anymore. Not now. Not while she's gallivanting around out there with Chuck The Bastard. There has to be a goddamn convenience store somewhere around here. ******** I am trapped in hell. Granted, it's a hell of my own making, but I'll bet if I concentrate - if I really think this thing through carefully and deliberately - I can find a way to blame Mulder. Yesterday, in the dark dungeon of our office, Mulder gives me one of his quirky, mischievous grins, the kind he gives when an entire town in Kansas has been terrorized by a demonic Goat Man or the souls of mutilated cattle are haunting farmlands near alleged UFO landing sites. You know the grin. The one that tells me I'm in for yet another case where I'll end up mucking through swamp lands, driving an Army tank, or convincing some mutant that I need my pancreas more than he does. I love that grin. I really do. Damn it. We end up in Circleville, Ohio. Lovely town. Pedantic case, but a lovely town. And it occurs to me mid-flight, somewhere between Mulder monopolizing the arm rest and Mulder pilfering half of my honey-roasted peanuts, that an old friend of mine is living near Circleville. Or so I've heard. We haven't actually spoken in years. So I think to myself - Dana Katherine Scully, you have narrowly cheated death how many times now? You have lost how many of your family, friends and acquaintances in recent years? Perhaps you should view this case as a little opportunity to reconnect with your history. A chance to renew old friendships and embrace your past. I know. I know. My inner voice sounds annoyingly like Dr. Joyce Brothers. I hate that. We finally get into our hotel rooms - the Happy Time Inn? Good God, Mulder - and, with an impulsiveness that surprises me, I pick up the phone and call directory assistance. Well, if Dr. Joyce Brothers doesn't know what she's talking about, who the hell does? Because Chuck Mitchell is living right there in Circleville, My-God-Dana-how-long-has-it-been, and he'd just *love* to get together for dinner. We reminisce briefly on the phone and commit to plans for that evening. I wonder briefly if I should be committed. Chuck and I dated for almost one year. I attribute this phenomenon to that highly-vulnerable period most college juniors go through when they suddenly realize that senior year is right around the corner, and afterwards, good lord, they will actually have to grow up and get a job. Temporary insanity. An attempt to escape reality. Must have been. Because if there were ever two people in the world that would actually cause God to look down from the heavens and say, "No. Those two should never be together. Never. That's the first sign of The Apocalypse" - well, *that* would be Chuck and I. Not that he's not nice. Chuck is very nice. So nice it makes your hair hurt. When I get off the phone, I ask Mulder if he wants to go with me - I found him eavesdropping, under the guise of discussing a case file we have already memorized on the plane, by the adjoining door to his room. He declines. He looks sulky, as if he can't believe I would eschew a night of takeout Chinese and a rerun of The Blob to go have dinner in a restaurant. With people. And normally, I wouldn't. The chance to lounge lazily with Mulder, brushing up against him, presumably to reach the soy sauce or stretch my legs, is not something I would relinquish normally. But this is a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. I hope to *God* this is a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity. How did I ever date a man this patently dull? Was he this way in college? I struggle to remember, even as I'm politely nodding while Chuck launches into yet another monologue about God-knows-what-and-I'll-never-know because I can hardly keep my eyes from crossing out of sheer boredom. He could have been this boring. It's possible. Frankly, I don't remember much about the year we dated, and probably only in part because I went through that keg-party stage at the same time. Maybe I drank so that I could block out the fact that I was dating *Chuck*. A sedative to block out the excruciating agony of his tediousness. Come to think of it, I did stop going to Delta Tau Delta parties as soon as we stopped dating. Of course, Chuck was a Delt, which might have had something to do with it. The only thing I remember is the sex. It was pretty good. He was my first, so I didn't have a whole lot to compare with, but looking back in retrospect, it wasn't half bad. Better than you might expect, considering. Of course, maybe memory is being kind in regard to our sex life. After all, memory did manage to dull my recollection of the fact that Chuck Mitchell is as exciting as dental surgery. And so I sit in Denny's, because Chuck had coupons and because Chuck *always* eats at Denny's on Fridays. And I listen to this man, who has managed to lose every hair on his head while gaining several new ones in his nose, practically gouge me for free medical advice about these intestinal problems he's been having - no wonder he was so anxious to meet for dinner tonight. I nod and smile in all the right places and I pray that the waitress will bring my soup - soup, a dish that can be eaten *quickly* - because while we were waiting to order, Chuck has already regaled me with astonishing tales of his latest real-estate coup and the astonishing program on gardening given at the last Rotary luncheon. I could be in my hotel room. I could be eating Chinese food. I could be watching The Blob. Or, Mulder could be here with me, where he ought to be, making subtly scathing comments about Chuck that only *I* would pick up on, and I could give him the appropriate scolding looks while secretly smiling at his wit. Or we could ignore Chuck entirely and discuss our case, which has suddenly become the most appealing case in the history of the FBI. But no, Mulder had to sulk. Yes, I've decided. Mulder is *definitely* to blame for this. ******** END (1/6) SMOKING (2/6) By Michaela and Emma Baker ******** I hate Ohio. I really do. It's not just a fear of Ohio -- it's a deep profound hatred. Kind of like the bugs. Don't ask me *why* I hate Ohio, because I couldn't begin to tell you. In fact, I didn't even start to hate it until it became the state of residence for Chuck the Bastard. Is it really irrational to hate a stranger so much? I mean, *really*. Hell, I'm a psychologist -- I can name it for what it is. Jealousy. How embarrassing. But there it is, like a boil on the face of life. A big, sputtering boil with good looks and an arrogant temper who has slept with Scully. Yuck. Maybe I should recast the analogy. Whatever. All I know is that Mr. Perfect (since when did he become "Mr.. Perfect"? He's still a bastard) is out with Scully right now, probably trying to get her to sleep with him. Which she'd probably do. Yeah, yeah, it ain't very in-character for her, but my pissed-off mind can come to whichever conclusions it chooses, thank you very much. Another reason to hate Ohio: no convenience stores when you need them. I must have been driving for ten minutes so far , and yet, no 7-11's. I'll bet Chuck the Bastard would know where to find one. I'll bet he knows *everything*. Like how Scully tastes, and how she kisses, and what her face looks like when she comes. You know, all the things I suddenly want to learn about. Jealousy really sucks. Profoundly. Ah, okay. There's a Stop 'n Go. I pull my car into the parking lot and get out, slamming the door behind me. Damn, it feels good to take out my anger on a huge piece of steel. I walk into the store and am alone. Where the hell is the clerk? If I didn't know about the video cameras, I'd be half-tempted to grab the cigs and run. Yeah, I'd violate several hundred laws and get fired, and yet, it'd be strangely therapeutic. So I start walking around the store, buying time, waiting for Clerkboy-or-girl to magically appear. My stomach growls noticeably so I grab a big bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos to sate it. And then Clerkgirl comes out from the back. Highly unprofessional. I pull a Diet Coke -- 1-liter bottle -- out of the wall cases and a king-sized Hershey bar. Then I walk up to the counter. Why do I suddenly feel like a fifteen-year-old kid? Hell, even the clerk barely looks eighteen herself. "Pack of Marlboros." I mold my voice into cool insouciance. She reaches above her. "Hard or soft pack?" "Hard." In light of my current attitude, it seems quite appropriate. "$6.47." Little Miss Eloquence, indeed. I hand her a ten and not so patiently wait for my change. Once it's in my hand, I grab the flimsy white plastic bag and tear out of the place, then sit down in my car. Suddenly, I can't resist the allure of that small red-and-white cellophane package. I push in the car's lighter, then just sit there, fingering the box. Pressing the sharp corners into the pads of my fingers. Examining the wrapper for any imperfections. Telling myself that just one won't give me cancer. To hell with my conscience. The button of the lighter pops and I yank it out. I take one long look at it pinched between my fingers, then set it on its side on the dash and unwrap the box of cigarettes. And then draw one out and light it. I pull it up to my lips... and then deeply inhale. Oh. My. God. It's a good thing I didn't really *need* these lungs. I can actually feel my lungs squeezing down to the size of peach pits, then exploding. I burst out into a fit of coughing. And then I practically collapse from the most intense headrush I've felt in my life. A headrush which could knock down Evander Holyfield. I sit in the car, collapsed against the back of the seat, barely moving in my stupor and the cigarette sizzling in my fingers. And I look up, only to see Clerkgirl staring at me through the windows, a bemused expression on her face. Shit. I set the cigarette down in the ashtray under the radio, taking care not to snuff it out. I might need it later. I start the car and throw it into reverse, then begin the drive back to the hotel. I wonder if Chuck the Bastard smokes? I wonder if Scully does? She never has in front of me. And on the drive back I begin to catalogue all the things she's never done in front of me. 1) Play a board game. 2) Drink tequila. 3) Watch Beavis & Butt-head. 4) Enjoy Beavis & Butt-head. 5) Throw her head back with laughter. 6) Cradle a sleeping child. 7) Eat spaghetti with her hands. As I near the Happy Time Inn, my mind dwells on that last image. Scully's incredible small hands swirling through a bowl of pasta, the tomato sauce smeared over her fingers and her lips puckered and poised for the next bite. Suddenly, pasta has never been so erotic. I'm feeling all warm and glowy. The image of Scully and Chuck the Bastard at a small, romantic Italian bistro with a broken dishwasher flits through my mind. The glow is doused. I grab for the cigarette and take a long drag, managing to siphon most of the smoke into my lungs with only a minimum of retching this time. I might could get the hang of this. So I start to dwell on the other things on the list, especially the idea of a small child in Scully's arms, her hands smoothing its hair and her eyes looking down on it with love. Scully as a mother. Why is this image so heartwarming and so natural? And even though I've never so much as kissed her, I want desperately to be there when it happens -- to be a part of it. The warm-and-glowy feeling is back. I park the car and slip my wrist through the handles of the Stop 'n Go bag, then walk to my room, puffing on the cigarette just a bit more -- for practice, you understand. I reach in my pocket for the room key... ... and realize that it's still in the room. Shit. So I trudge around the corner to the office, and discover it's nowhere near where it's meant to be. Why on earth can these people not do things the way *I* want them to? Bastards. Oops, that's Chuck's name. Imbeciles. There, better. And the office is dark with a "Back at 10pm" sign in the window. Imbeciles. My shirt hem snags on the loose aluminum siding of the wall as I promptly turn around and trudge right back to my room, thinking the day cannot possibly get any worse. It just did. Scully stands outside her door preparing to open it, as a car speeds away into the night. Oh, God, I need that cigarette. I pull it up to my mouth and take an excruciatingly deep drag, managing to turn only slightly green. Scully is NOT amused. She takes one look at me and sneers, "What the *hell* happened to you, Mulder?" ******** I hate Ohio. And where did this come from? Four hours ago while checking into the hotel, I was admiring a little brochure about Circleville -- Home of the Annual Pumpkin Show, don't you know? -- and thinking that it was really rather quaint and picturesque. A charming place to live. A great place to raise Uber-Scullys...preferably with the tall-dark-and-handsome agent who suggested that particular breed in the first place. Now where the hell did *that* come from? When did you start thinking about raising kids with Fox Mulder, Dana? Have you considered the complications of sleeping with, let alone marrying and procreating with, a colleague? Sometimes my inner-Joyce Brothers just don't know when to shut the fuck up. Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes. . Circleville. Good schools, good neighbors. A nice place to grow old and die. And now, I am actually considering death as a happy alternative to being in this god-forsaken town one more minute. I would wrestle Eugene Tooms on my bathroom floor -- in mud -- to get out of Chuck Mitchell's car. Right now. I would actually sleep with...well, I would consider sleeping with Cancer Man if he could guarantee that it would get me back to the hotel even 5 seconds sooner. Olivia Newton John's Greatest Hits? Is that what's actually coming out of the speakers of Chuck's oh-so-sensible 1995 blue Saturn station wagon? Yes. And he's singing along. This is *so* Mulder's fault. If he had agreed to come with me to dinner, we would have driven the rental car to the restaurant. Together. And while I watched the glow of the dashboard lights create the most delicious shadows on his face -- okay, I think he's sexy enough to eat with a spoon, I'll admit it. Not to mention I'd kill just to watch him smile. Happy now? -- I could be listening to Billy Joel, or the Eagles, or Bare Naked Ladies or anything except "Hopelessly Devoted To You." But no. I had to leave the car with Mulder, because he had to stay home and sulk. And Chuck had to pick me up. And now he has to drop me off. And in some strange, cosmic payback that proves God is punishing me for even *thinking* of coming anywhere near Chuck again, we are now hitting every red light in the suddenly L.A.-sized town of Circleville. I could offer to walk the rest of the way. Say I need the fresh air and exercise after the oh-so-satisfying bowl of minestrone that I don't remember finishing because Chuck had me mesmerized by the blow-by-blow description of his audit last spring. Yeah. That was sarcasm. Did you know that the average bowl of minestrone at Denny's has 123 spiral-shaped pasta noodles, 63 wedges of carrot, and a good three pieces of cauliflower? I do. So when could I reasonably broach the subject of walking the rest of the way without Chuck getting suspicious? A block? A quarter of a mile? Indiana? Oh, thank God, Jesus, the Virgin Mary and all the saints. The hotel. The Happy Time Inn. Right there. I can see its obnoxious neon sign five blocks away, and nothing has ever looked so beautiful to me in my life. Well, except Mulder, but we've covered that, really, haven't we? Speaking of Mulder, he must never know of this night. I will not discuss it with him. I will make some vague and halfway suggestive comment about the events of this night as I always have when Mulder makes his adorably clumsy forays into my social life. I will add to my mystique. Save some shred of dignity. Whatever. It's just too embarrassing. I mean, where is the fairness in life? His ex-girlfriends look like tall, leggy runway models with annoyingly great accents who also happen to work for prestigious law enforcement agencies, and me? I get Chuck. Chuck "I-buy-all-my-suits-at-Sears-and-I've-never-seen-a-Stairmaste r-in-my-life" Mitchell. I'm practically pushing my shoes through the floorboard, as if I can physically propel this car more quickly toward the hotel if I just push hard enough. I am desperate to be away from this man and never see him again. I am desperate for whatever leftover Chinese food scraps may be left in Mulder's room. I am desperate to watch an old movie on an even older television. I am desperate to be with Mulder, even if this is all his fault. Being with him, I can forget that Chuck Mitchell ever existed. That anything existed before I joined the X-Files. You might think that's funny. You might think that's odd, considering my repeated vows to "get a life" outside of this job. But slowly *dying* in Chuck Mitchell's company tonight reminded me of something. Life before the X-Files -- before Mulder -- could have been very, very, very boring. And if the past five years has proven anything to me, it's this: Case or not, near-death experience or not, life with Mulder is never boring. Just sitting in a hotel room with him, pouring over case files that border on the obscenely ludicrous, is ludicrously exciting. Have you ever watched him nibble on a pen when he's focusing really hard on a case file? It practically sends me to a cold shower, it's that fucking sexy. He just kind of...plays with it. Rolls his tongue around the end of it, pulls the ball-point plunger in and out with the suction of his tongue and lips. I would think he does it on purpose, just to slowly kill me, except I don't really think that he does. He does it without thinking about it. Which just brings up a whole new set of daydreams about what he could do with that mouth if he were really concentrating... Damn it. How is that I'm mad at him, and yet Mulder still finds a way to sneak his way into my mind and get naked? The car slows down. I already have my room key in hand -- fished it out of my coat pocket while Chuck was still paying the check. Would that be considered obvious? It doesn't matter. I just have to escape. So *this* is the true meaning of the fight or flee instinct. "We have to do this again sometime," Chuck offers loudly, over the sound of Olivia Newton-John getting "Physical." "Yeah, sure," I venture back, praying to God that I didn't mention to him at any point where I live in the sprawling D.C. area. "Call me." I have never jumped out of a car so fast in my life, not even when I was chasing down a suspect. I am already bolting to the door like a speed sprinter; Jackie Joyner-Kersey, get the hell out of my way. You may have dreams of gold medals and endorsements spurring you on, but I've got Chuck Mitchell. You stand no chance. Wait. I smell smoke. Cigarette smoke, which is almost never a good sign in my life. I turn. Oh. My. God. I can't leave him alone for a minute. "What the *hell* happened to you, Mulder?" ******** END (2/6) SMOKING (3/6) By Michaela and Emma Baker ******** Scientists have this theory. Actually, I lied. It's not a scientific theory. Just my own. And it's not even really a theory. Just an idea of mine. Whatever. Anyway, so the idea goes that, the longer you go without seeing someone, and the greater the emotional tension between you from farewell to hello, the more powerful the reunion will be. Scully and I have just about knocked that off the scale. Oh, God, she looks stunning. A-fucking-mazing. She's wearing this outfit. It's a black short-sleeved sweater with buttons and a black skirt from one of her suits. Her hair is brushed, and she has this tiny gold comb in it, pulling it away from her face. Man, I could sit here all night and look at her. And touch her. I would kill right now to touch her. But right now, she's looking at me like I'm an Untouchable. "What the *hell* happened to you, Mulder?" Oh, shit. We stand there in a Mexican Standoff. I'm squirming from the tension. I wish to hell she were too, but she looks too damn pleased with herself. And none too pleased with me. Let me guess: Chuck the Bastard. She's been with Chuck the Bastard for the past two hours and she's pissed off with me because I'm not him. Because she can't have wild animalistic sex with him with me sleeping next door. God, I want to scream. Or just make her scream. "Oh, nothing at all." I pull the corners of my mouth into my best shit-eating grin and stare her down. "So, did you get laid, Scully?" Oh, my God. Did I actually say that? I mean, I dreamed that. I know I did. I know that if I were to take the water from the taps of the Happy Time Inn into a lab and have them do a chemical analysis, they'd find fourteen different types of hallucinogen. Because the last ten seconds MUST be a hallucination. They *have* to be. If they were, then I can just go on with my happy little life and pretend nothing ever happened. If they weren't, then Scully would never forgive me. Ever. And I'd rather die than lose her. Period. It's just not an option. My eyes finally focus and I look at her. No dice. No hallucination, just harsh, brutal reality staring back at me in the form of an Extremely Pissed-Off Scully. Maybe I can just curl up right here and die. Really. It could happen. She'd see it so there'd be no need for witnesses. And she could just throw me into a furnace, cremate me, then scatter me to the winds. It could definitely happen. Right now, I rather *hope* it happens. And as I'm starting to list all the places I'd like my ashes to be scattered -- the basketball court at Quantico, Cape Cod, the Gunmen's offices, hell, Skinner's office -- the jingling of a keychain shakes me out of my reverie. Scully has the room key in her hand and she's jabbing it into the lock on the knob. She's supposed to be unlocking the deadbolt, but I don't think she realizes that and I'm too terrified to say anything. But at this point I just need to escape inside the room, and not a moment too soon. And I need to apologize, but without actually apologizing. So I reach my free hand (the one without the cigarette) out and close it over hers, then murmur, "Here, let me help you." The feel of her hand under mine.... I can't even begin to describe it. It's just so amazing. Like every nerve in my hand has been set on end and the electrical charges sing up to my brain. My whole body tightens with that touch. Wow. I look up at her. Uh-oh. Her eyes are locked on mine and I can actually *feel* her softening. It's like the earth has stopped spinning on its axis and all that energy has been concentrated right here between us. Her eyes narrow and her lips part, just enough for me to slip my tongue in if I were kissing her. Maybe I will. God, I'm tempted. But then her mouth widens even more, into a tiny "O", and her eyes narrow into onyx slits. And she *is* fury. Her hand unclenches from the doorknob and she slaps mine away, angrily jabbing it into the deadbolt lock. Somehow she gets it open, then storms inside. I am left, stunned, in her wake. So I follow her inside, practically tiptoeing in my fear. If I stand really still, I can actually feel my world crumbling around me. A 7.8 on the Richter Scale, with a special Damage Alert to my heart. I'm standing inside her room, the adjoining doors flung open flippantly. Taunting me, telling me to get the hell away from her before I hurt her more. That's me, Fox Mulder, Champion Bastard. Even worse than Chuck. So as she slowly starts to take off her shoes and put down her purse, I watch her, trying to think of *something* to say. Something to make everything right again. "What time is our meeting with the sheriff tomorrow?" Oh, yeah, *real* brilliant. Worthy of a Rhodes Scholar. Which I was, but that's beside the point. She looks at me and I can feel my balls -- hell, my entire body -- just withering. "9:30 am." "Thanks. Wake up call for 6:30, then?" She doesn't say anything, so I take that as assent. I set the Stop 'n Go bag down on the bed as her eyes follow me. I look down and notice the bag of Doritos. "Want one?" Whoa, *extremely* brilliant, Genius. She shoots me a withering glance. "Doritos? No, thank you. I had plenty to eat." Her voice is smug, condescending. My pride is weakening. The image of her eating with Chuck the Bastard is *not* helping. "I'm sure you did, Scully." Score one for me. My heart feels as hollow as the victory. She's turned away from me and now she's wrestling with the comb in her hair. The raising of her arms has caused her short skirt to ride up just a bit, showing me an incredible set of thighs encased in shimmering hose. Oh, my God. And she still wrestles with the comb. From what I can tell, some strands of hair have gotten caught in it -- gold mixing with gold. Beauty incarnate. I want to -- I *have* to touch it. Call me Mr. Tactile, but I just have to feel her under my fingers, even if she hates me. Please, God, don't let her hate me. So I take a step forward -- just a small one -- and bring my hand up to hers. She turns her head slightly and looks at me. Just looks. No emotion behind her blue eyes. But a miracle happens: she lowers her hand and lets me have the comb. For the rest of my life, I will never forget this moment. Never. I will never forget the moment I held Dana Scully's head in my hand, her hair spilling over my fingers and all her intelligence and life under me. I slowly, very slowly, begin to work through the tangles, tucking the still-smouldering cigarette between the fingers of my other hand (a mistake for which I will pay dearly). The comb gives way under my fingers with surprising ease, so I hold it out to her. She reaches up and takes it from me, then closes her hand over mine. Oh, my Lord. I feel absolutely, positively drunk. And in love. Yes, I'm in love. Not just now, but forever. It's always been there, brought into relief by the simple act of my touching her hair and her hand covering mine. We stand there, breathing heavily, for a heartbeat, then I move my other hand through her hair. I feel its smoothness, its coolness. It is a living, breathing thing. I move that other hand to cover hers. .... and hear a faint sizzling. Scully jumps a foot, as do I. She stands there in front of me, furious and shaking out her hand. "God, Mulder, what are you DOING?" I have no idea what to say. "Shit, you can't even hold a cigarette right." Okay, that is it. That is absolutely IT. I have to leave -- be OUT of this room before I take that amazing neck of hers between my hands and slowly squeeze. Forget that I love her, forget that she's just amazing right now -- I can't be in here anymore. I turn on my heel and walk through the door to my room. ************************************ He looks like shit. Correction. He looks like an ad out of GQ, Mulder casual-wear, and even if his shirt is torn, his hair rumpled and he's turning a scientifically intriguing shade of green from dragging much too hard on a cigarette -- a cigarette?! How long was I *gone* tonight? -- he still manages to look good. Shit. "What the *hell* happened to you, Mulder?" I hear myself ask, and I know I sound like a shrew. I can't help it. After two hours of torture, this is just too much. I spend the entire evening blaming Mulder for the Chuck Mitchell Disaster Dinner, and he's standing there looking like...dessert. "Oh, nothing at all," he replies, and this breezy, slightly sing-song voice is enough to make my teeth grind together. I hate that tone. It's so...superior, somehow. I try to suppress a sigh, biting down hard on the inside of my lower lip, and turn back to the door, focusing every ounce of my concentration on getting the key into the lock with hands that have suddenly become trembling entities of their own. "So, did you get laid, Scully?" Denny's has been putting LSD in the minestrone soup. I dazedly make a mental note to call the Health Department and the police, even as my mind is processing that, no, Dana, you are not hallucinating. You are not that lucky. The real facts here are that your partner, your piece-of-shit partner, just asked you, right here at the Happy Time Inn, if you had sex tonight. "Got laid," to be specific -- and crude. With a married man. That you haven't seen in 10 years. That hurt. That fucking hurt. And I'm not sure which part of it bothers me the most. That he would think I would just arbitrarily go out and have sex this night, simply because the weather's nice, I'm in Ohio, and oh, look, here's a penis nearby. That he would equate as crude and vulgar a term as getting "laid" to me. That he thinks I would blaspheme the marriage vows of a man who I happened to be intimate with a *decade* ago. That he said it while he's standing there smoking that damn cigarette, and despite the fact that he looks ridiculous holding it, he still manages to look sexy -- well, this just pisses me off. That he could say this thing to me, and that I could I still find him remotely desirable, it just...the mind boggles. I hate myself. I hate him. I want him. I'd die for him. I almost have. Maybe I'll just shoot him. Again. My hands, which were shaking with tension before, have now turned entirely useless since fury is settling in, raging low in my belly like a forest fire. I feel hot. I can't get this damn door open. Shit. "Here, let me help you." His voice is low, with that soft, cajoling tone that really just makes my stomach turn into a pit of mush every single time he uses it. That tone, all soft and husky and just a little bit apologetic. It's sexier to me than any ridiculous and flirtacious quip he tosses out when we're working. I feel him draw closer, and then he is taking my hand, with the key in it. He's touching me. Oh, just so you know, every single cell in my body has stopped moving. My blood has stilled suddenly in my veins, as if it has suddenly become too congested to flow, except directly into the lowest part of my belly, where at this moment it is least wanted. My nerve endings are blaring red-alarm warning signals to the rest of my body that all activities must cease. The only thing in the world is his hand on mine, and my central nervous system has demanded full attention from the rest of my traitorous body. He must know. He must know how he's affecting me. I'm looking into his eyes, all shadowed hazels and greens, and I think I see it there. Apology. And the hope that all has been forgiven. Fat fucking chance. I don't care how good-looking he is, I don't care how much I love -- yes, goddammit, I said *love* -- this man, a comment like the one he just made does not get forgiven with a puppy-dog look and help with the damn door lock. I slap his hand away and lunge for the door lock again. Okay. Yes, I know that slapping his hand was petulant. But I'm feeling petulant. I'm so furious with him right now, and I'm even more furious with myself because two seconds ago, I was willing to throw this man down to the sidewalk and show him exactly how limber 5 years of childhood gymnastics has left me to this day. Damn it. I'm in my room almost before I realize it, and I feel, rather than see, him sneak in behind me. Why the hell is he coming in here? Is he trying to tempt fate? I don't have the energy for this. I just want to pretend this whole night never existed, from the moment I even considered calling Chuck to the moment Mulder demanded details on my rumored sex life. I am tired. Wearily, I lay my purse on the table beside the bed. I balance on first one foot, then the other, as I kick my shoes off and nudge them with my toes into obedient little soldiers, one beside the other. I turn to face him, find him watching me in that way that unnerves me and makes me alive with awareness all at the same time. "What time is our meeting with the sheriff tomorrow?" I can't even believe you are attempting small talk right now, Mulder. Haven't you given up yet? Can't we just pretend this didn't happen, and then tomorrow, once I get some sleep and forget about this night, I may have some chance of forgiving you for what you just said? "9:30 a.m." My voice is cold, excessively so, but it's either this or let it tremble, and the latter option is unacceptable. "Thanks, wake up call for 6:30 a.m., then?" The words "Sure. Fine. Whatever" are on the tip of my tongue, but even I'm not willing to draw allusions, subtle or screaming, to that particularly terrible case and the unreasonable tension between us then. Am I angrier now than I was in Comity? Yes. But I'm unwilling to say the words, because even then I had known they hurt him. Cut him down. I was irrational then and it's the only excuse I can find for willingly hurting a man who punishes himself enough already. I am rational now. Angry, but rational. And I will not hurt him if I can help it. I'm watching him cross the room, and he's putting down a flimsy convenience story bag. I see a bright, crackly bag of Doritos sticking out of the top and my stomach stabs me sharply in a rather pointed reminder that I have had minestrone soup for dinner. A small bowl. Chosen for the absolute rapidity of how it served and eaten. I want a Dorito. I want to eat it out of Mulder's fingers. And while I'm doing that, grill this handsome buffoon about why he isn't eating something more nutritious. He does not take care of himself when I'm not here. Dana, stop that! You don't want to eat Doritos from Mulder's fingers. Shut the hell up, Joyce, I really do want to. But to accept a Dorito might give Mulder the idea that my evening meal had been less than satisfying. Which might raise questions. Which might force me to reveal that I have just survived one of the most tedious and humiliating nights of my life. Which might possibly maybe make him gloat, and I couldn't stand that. "Want one?" he offers. "Doritos? No, thank you. I had plenty to eat." I try to make my tone proud, slightly cool, and I must have succeeded, because he strikes back with a retort that just makes the whole Did-I-fuck-Chuck-Mitchell accusation rear its ugly head again. "I'm sure you did, Scully." Dammit. I turn away from him, and reach up to take this damned comb out of my hair. It's stuck. Great. God really is punishing me. I never wear these things. Still don't know why I actually put one in, except that I wanted to feel elegant and beautiful and on some adolescent, not-Gloria-Steinem level, I wanted to impress the ex-boyfriend. What an utter waste of effort. I tug on the damn thing, welcoming the anguished and silent scream of pain from my hair roots, figuring it's my just punishment. Great. Now I've become Mulder, trying to castigate myself. Isn't that just charming. Suddenly, he's behind me. Closer now, even though he hasn't touched me yet. Why do I know he's going to touch me? How do I know this as fact, as much a given as the sun rising in the east? I just know. And then he does. I can't decide if I'm glad that I'm right all the time or not. And my central nervous-system has just shut down. Too much pressure. It's not equipped to take this kind of sensory assault, one blow right after another. First the hand thing and now...he's touching my hand again. Am I breathing? I'm not sure. Do I care? I'm not sure of that either... I venture a look up at him, trying to gauge his mood, and it's hesitant, almost...tender? Could he really have spoken out of ugly impulse, with no real idea of what he was saying? Can I forgive him for that? I stop thinking for a moment, because thinking is really not all that it's cracked up to be sometimes. Better to just simply...be. To minimize my awareness to the feel of his fingers in my hair, working through the strands with such care, feeling him close. I close my eyes for a moment, but open them again quickly, afraid of what my face might betray should he look down at me. On instinct, I take the comb as he offers it to me, as if it is a gift more profound than a simple piece of gold-painted plastic, and I let my hand linger over his. I listen to our breathing. It is synchronous and heavy, and it fills my ears and the space between us and the room. His other hand is reaching up to touch my hair, and I wonder if he can feel me leaning into his touch. And would he understand what it meant. This is magical. This is unbelievable. This is... Damn dangerous. He hurt me again. God dammit, he rammed that fucking lit cigarette of his into my hand, right into that tender web of skin between my thumb and finger. It was an accident, I know it was, but both my nerves and my emotions have been far too close to the surface tonight, and all I can do is break it down to one simplistic thought: He hurt me again. I push myself away from him, waving my hand furiously, as if there might still be smoldering tobacco embedded in it. "God, Mulder, what are you DOING?" I shout, not even recognizing my own voice. He says nothing, which infuriates me more. "Shit, you can't even hold a cigarette right!" And this -- for reasons I cannot fathom -- just snaps him. He glares at me, as if he's considering strangling me, and he storms out of the room, through the adjoining door to his room, not even giving me the benefit of a good retort so that I can keep yelling at him. I hear the bathroom door in his room slam. I stiffen my back at the sound. Fine. I can keep being mad at him, whether he's here or not. I'm really good at holding a grudge; it's a particularly ugly Scully trait. I start to sit on the bed, then jump back up, too filled with this pulsating emotion I assume must be bilious rage to sit still. I'm pacing even before I realize it, and I notice that my fingers are digging into the palms of my hands and I'm opening and closing them rapidly. What the hell is wrong with me? My hands feel empty. This doesn't feel right. I'm not calming down at all, I'm just getting more agitated. And then I realize. The cigarettes. I need a cigarette. Pacing is only good with a cigarette, I need one right now. I sure as hell must need them more than *him* because after all, I've actually smoked them before -- oh, sure, only in occasional social situations or during times of extreme stress but I know that I am jonesing for one right now harder than Mulder ever will in his life. Those cigarettes are mine. I'm at the door before I can conjure up what I'm going to say, and I throw it open, automatically catching it with my hand so that it won't bang against the wall, which hasn't done anything wrong and hardly deserves the abuse, no matter how satisfying it might be. SweetJesusandallthesaints,thankyouGod,youreallydolovemetole tmeseethis. I have the luxury, the utter, unexpected lushness, of seeing a half-naked Mulder. The cigarette is in a makeshift ashtray and he has his back to me. He's stripped off his shirt and pulled off his jeans, and I'm looking at the greatest ass I have *ever* seen, encased in this amazing gray, almost-boxer, type of cotton underwear -- my mind briefly attempts to remember the name of this phenomenal article of clothing, but gives up almost immediately upon the realization that this may actually detract from my absorbing every detail. The long, strong back. The muscled legs. That ass. I keep coming back to that ass. I cannot possibly be blamed for this. Oh my God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my GOD. I kind of...melt back against the door, because the message has been relayed from my brain to my knees that upon the eyes receiving such a visual feast, the body's joints are no longer allowed to function. I press my palms to the solid wood panel of that door, hoping that out of some cosmic kindness it will hold me up. Oh shit. He heard me. He's turning around and he's looking at me with this faintly surprised and still very pissed-off look on his face. He's not even embarrassed to see me catching him like this. Sure, I've seen him naked. But only in medical situations. This is so very different. This is *intimate*. And he's not embarrassed. This tidbit of information thrills me, and I'm not sure why. Snap out of it. Snap out of it now. Say what you came here to say, Dana Scully. "Give me the damn cigarettes," I manage to growl out, and my voice is slightly hoarse, and I pray that he will think it's anger and not...what it is. His glare, if possible, becomes even more hostile, and he stalks to his bed, swipes the pack of cigarettes off the bedspread, and comes at me. He's angry. He's magnificent. I let my eyes flicker over him, *all* over him, just for a moment. Oh my God. Dear Lord in heaven, You are a compassionate God. You have just eradicated every memory of that horrible, horrible dinner by just letting me catch one glimpse of this. Thank You. I'll live on this forever if I have to. If he hates me forever now. Please don't let him hate me. He is in front of me now, the cigarettes offered with one long, outstretched arm as if he is either unwilling, or unable, to get too close to me. I step forward, wrapping my hand around his fingers with the cigarettes still enfolded between them, and I pull. Hard. And pivot, with a dexterity that would have made my Quantico hand-to-hand combat instructor proud. And suddenly, he is landing against the door with a thud so loud that I almost wince. And then I am grabbing him by both sides of his head, yanking him down to me and...Oh, God...who knew that a man's mouth, even one that had smoked a cigarette, could taste this good? He seems stunned. He hasn't moved, though he isn't resisting either. I am like some untethered animal, wanting to simply devour him. Breathing has become an unnecessary occupation attempted by lesser mortals. And it occurs to me: God has been cruel tonight and God has been kind. God seems to be a little fickle right now, so I'm going to have to rely on my own instincts here. And I want this. ******** END (3/6) SMOKING (4/6) By Michaela and Emma Baker ******** I kiss Dana Scully. Dana Scully kisses me. We are kissing. Besamos. Embrassons. Oh, God. I now know how she tastes: divine. Absolutely amazing, like heaven and tomatoes. Her tongue is moving along mine, deeply and hungrily, like she is trying to devour me whole. I want to be devoured. Suddenly, I realize that I have done nothing here -- I am simply standing here, shocked. She is sucking the breath out of my lungs, not that I'd be able to breathe, anyway. Who could breathe when they're being embraced by Dana Scully? So I decide to act. A good first step would be to actually *touch* her, so I raise one hand to the back of her neck. It feels good. Oh, Lord, it feels good. Silk and satin and chiffon and velvet. I slowly move my fingers along the patch of skin, caressing its smoothness and warmth. She groans into my mouth. I nearly lose all control right there. Suddenly, I can't do enough -- FEEL enough. I bring my other hand up to the small of her back and crush her to me. Crushing, that's what I'm doing. I'm crushing my heart into a tiny package and giving it to her, wrapped up with the red bow of my tongue. And expanding. I am expanding in a million directions. Even wedged against this doorframe, my body quickly swells and unfolds to encompass both of us as she soaks into me and I into her. I've never felt anything as amazing as this moment. All the tension we'd felt earlier has melted away. And we kiss. Oh, God, we kiss. Hell, "kiss" seems like too mild, too simple a word for the exchange of souls taking place in this room. Every word which has passed between us this evening has been forgotten -- has burned itself into the spark which is the fuel for this desire, this passion. This love. Yes, this love. Because this *is* love. It can't possibly be anything else. It's beauty and desire and warmth and fire and love. All the science in the world couldn't begin to explain this paranormal event. Scully moves her tongue lightly along the insides of my lips, then breaks the kiss and takes a deep breath. I feel the air moving down her throat and filling her lungs. So this is what it feels like to become one person. Wow. As I pepper her face with tiny kisses -- her throat, the corner of her mouth, her temples ("temple" -- what a wonderful word), her eyelids -- her head lolls in my hand and I realize that I cannot possibly ever leave her. Ever. She has to be here in my arms for every moment of my life. Period. I move my hand from the small of her back down to her ass. Her beautiful round ass. She groans again -- well, more like a growl. Whoa -- I, Fox Mulder, have made Dana Scully growl. As my mind begins to process that information, she takes the advantage. Dana Scully has become a tigress. Wow. We're still in the doorway, too busy to even begin to think about moving. She reaches up -- on her tiptoes, I have to assume -- and presses her face into mine. Our tongues duel. Our hands duel. Our bodies merge. They have the right idea. I move my other hand from the nape of her neck to the middle of her back and she moves in my arms -- a slight swoon that sets me completely aflame. The slick fabric of her shirt touches my skin anew. Her breasts press against my chest and her already-hard nipples brush over my own. I tremble. And I realize that I'm naked -- well, almost naked. She has to be naked too. It's only fair. Hey, I'm a fair guy. Equal rights and all that. I push her away from me, just a step away. And I look at her. Oh, wow. Her eyes are startled and blackened from what I assume is passion. I hope it is, at least. Her face is flushed and her lips are apple red and swollen. Ripe. Delicious. We do not exist but to breathe and to feel. A whirlwind of pure sensation. I look at her. She looks at me. We are in awe of each other. We *are* each other. We have become one. And it is amazing. I know that I could ask her to walk across hot coals for me, and she would. And I would do no less for her. I would do the world for her. But right now, I only need one thing from her and she from me. I bring my fingers up to the tiny pearl buttons of her t-shirt sweater. Down, down, down toward the pot of gold. Even though she stays completely, breathlessly still, she comes alive under my fingertips. I hold her gaze until her shirt is completely undone, then slowly lower my gaze. She is beautiful. Her shirt is just slightly open., just enough for me to see a bit of pink skin underneath. And a black bra. Oh, God, a black bra. My Scully wears a black bra. I take my fingers and press them on her breastbone, just underneath the tiny clasp where the bra meets. I feel her breathing under my fingertips. I want to rid her of the shirt, the bra, everything -- but first I have to touch her. So I slip my hand onto her stomach and press, just a tiny bit. I force air out of her stomach and it escapes her throat as a tiny puff of air in my face. And she throws her head back. Drunken. Passionate. >From me. Imagine that. And suddenly, it is not enough. It can never be enough. I bring both hands up to the secret place where her neck meets her shoulders, and push. The fabric gives way under my hands. It slips in a liquid cascade down her shoulders and her body, to the floor. Wow. Just like that. Dana Scully stands before me, dressed in only a black bra and cotton panties. Cream and black. Two kinds of coffee. I drink her skin as if it is a precious mocha. I cannot stop touching her. My mouth is agape at her beauty. I splay my hands on her stomach and slowly inch them up and up. And then they are on her breasts. Oh, GOD they are on her breasts. The satin moves, alive, under my fingertips. I let them whisper against her hard nipples and she shivers. Dana Scully shivers. And it is because of me. Oh, my God. My hands tremble, matching her body shake-for-shake. I somehow find a way to unclasp her bra, and suddenly my hands are moving of their own accord, pushing the satin aside and down her arms, then caressing her breasts as if they were a precious gift. They are, though. Because they are hers. They are *her*. And she is mine. The urgency has abated, but the passion remains. She looks up at me, her eyes glittering and fiery. Her tongue moves over her lips distractedly. And her voice floats up at me, hoarse and scratchy. "Your turn." ******** Fox Mulder is a tease. That's right, you heard me. A tease. I know this by the way he's holding himself so tensely right now, standing here motionless under the assault of my mouth as if afraid I might rip him limb from limb with my tongue - hmmm, there's an idea. This careful way he's touching just the nape of my neck when I want to feel him over every single inch of me. He's a tease. A bona fide tease. I have never enjoyed being teased so much in my life. Just as I'm thinking this, he brings his other hand against the small of my back, pulling me to him, into him, and I feel him. All of him. The slick and grainy slide of his tongue against mine. The taut stretch of muscles across his chest and down the length of his arms, the way his thighs are just ever-so-slightly quivering against mine. I feel him, already hard and burning against my belly, through the thin cotton of his boxers and the fabric of my skirt. I feel his heart pounding against mine and I wonder anew at this -- they beat in rhythm. Has it always been this way? Are our hearts intertwined even as our lives have been, guiding us here, to each other? Has this merely been our first opportunity to notice it? The whimsy of this thought -- though it feels more *true* to me than any scientific theorem I have ever been taught -- startles me anew and I pull my lips from his, dragging air into oxygen-starved lungs that have been clamoring for relief. I curse my damned mortal body -- imagine needing oxygen at a time like this -- even as I thank God for having a body, *this* body, because there is no feeling on earth like that of Mulder's lips dancing over my face, against my closed eyes and across my cheeks. And I feel his hand slide further, until he is gently, oh so gently, cupping my bottom and now I growl, with appreciation and with frustration, because he is taking his damn time, and teasing, eventually, becomes overrated. Perhaps I should show him how this is meant to be *done*. With that oh-so-inspirational thought swirling unbattened through my brain, inciting riot in the more sensible parts of it, I launch myself on tiptoe and rather gracelessly drive my mouth against his, around and into him, faintly hearing a whimper and wondering if it is me. It might have been. I can hear nothing except our heartbeats pounding in my ears. He seems to appreciate my efforts and takes up the gauntlet, letting his hands sweep over me and mine over him, even as we continue a kiss that has been lifetimes in the making. Suddenly, I have oxygen in my lungs again, before they were even demanding it, and it takes me a moment to figure out that he has pulled his lips from mine and gently pushed me away from him. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Were I capable of speech right now, I might say it aloud. I have a moment to wonder, as my eyes flutter open and focus on his face above mine, if he is having second thoughts, if he is going to damn me into an eternity of never having followed this to its inevitable conclusion. Although I want nothing more than to stare at his lips, an occupation I have practiced zealously if surreptitiously over the years, I drag my eyes up to his, where I have always found the answers I sought. And there it is, what I have been looking for, tonight and for my whole life, glowing in the hazel of his eyes. I see the question. I see the answer. I see him and I see myself. I don't see the future, but within his eyes is the certainty of us having one, and this is better still. I have seen enough. So I simply grant myself the pleasure of watching him, trying to see myself through his eyes, wondering what he's thinking as his hands slowly undress me, unwrap me as if I am the most beautiful gift in the world. I have always particularly loved his hands, and seeing them now, golden and spread wide across the paleness of my skin, I *feel* beautiful. The realization that I am beautiful and I am cherished by a man like Fox Mulder makes me tremble. I watch his eyes. They sip at me, tiny morsels at a time, as if I am something to be savored, when suddenly, in a rush of feminine power and need, I want to be consumed. Whole. By this man. And I want him to feel the same way. I draw a deep, shuddering breath. "Your turn," I declare boldly, and my voice is suddenly not mine. It is husky and hoarse, as if I have already been screaming out my pleasure in his arms, though I know I have yet to manage anything stronger than a helpless moan. Mulder's eyebrows raise and I delight in watching this lazy, amused smile break across his face, stretching those full lips wide and showing teeth. Teeth. Oh my, this *is* an incredible night. Not only am I being loved by Fox Mulder, but I got the "with teeth" smile. This is a rarity, you have to understand. I love this smile. I hold it closer to my heart than anything except the man himself. "Um, Scully?" he says softly, and his lips are moving down to mine, forming the words against my mouth. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm in the same state of undress as you." I chuckle, and I feel my breath dance across both of our mouths. I am filled with this amazing sense of joy, because even as we are standing here in this state of utter arousal and it's all I can do not to throw him to the floor and gorge myself on every inch of his skin that I can possibly discover, we are still...us. Smiling and appreciating and teasing each other. Ah. Yes. Teasing. I had wanted to remember that, hadn't I? "That's not what I meant, Mulder," I say in my throatiest whisper, darting my tongue out to swipe across his lips, an impudent, saucy little maneuver that seeks to remind him who started this in the first place. "And yes, I *have* noticed." "Did you?" he breathes as I let my lips nibble across his chin, and I sense that the question isn't rhetorical. That somehow, he is asking -- needing -- to know, with an insecurity that breaks my heart, that I have noticed him. Noticed him as a man, and as a lover. Despite the fact that all of my actions to this point would indicate to the affirmative, he is unsure. He stands here, so beautiful and vital and entirely...*male*. And yet he wonders. Doubts. And this will be my gift, the same one he gave to me. I will make him feel beautiful, and cherished, and like a gift that must be opened first, last and always. "Of course, Mulder, and this brings me to my point," I say gently, trying to find the right blend of gentleness and light. "It's your turn now." "My turn for what?" he gasps, and I smile, because I have just found the most delicious spot right under his chin, just above his adam's apple, and, wouldn't you know, this particular area seems to affect him too. How delightful. How entirely charming. "You got to...hmm, view the scenery, so to speak. Now it's my turn." I offer him the most dazzling smile I have in my personal stock, and he returns it, though he seems dazed and just the slightest bit unsure. Skittish, as if he may bolt at any moment under such intense scrutiny. Perhaps I will simply have to make this tour as painless as possible. I gently shake myself free of his hands and they fall limply to his sides, allowing me to run my fingers up from his waist along his ribcage. I watch his skin dip beneath the subtle pressure of my fingertips and marvel at its flawlessness, at the golden of his skin. I trace each rib, one by one, and lean forward to place a slow, lingering kiss on his sternum, where I can feel his heart against my lips. I hear him gasp, feel the hum of it in his chest, against my mouth. Okay, this is fun. I can see why Mulder likes teasing. The dividends are so satisfying. Hmm...so much man, so much to choose from, and suddenly I want all of him. But I restrain myself, deciding instead to trace whorls with my tongue across his chest and teasing, short licks across his nipples. Attuned to every possible reaction, I am rewarded with a gasp and a choked murmur that might be my name. He tastes salty. I pass my tongue across my lips, savoring the flavor, and begin again, reaching on tiptoe to rain kisses over his broad shoulders, the curve of his neck, the scar near his shoulder that I inflicted, the dip of his collarbone. I feel his hands lift from his sides and I grab them, not to restrain him -- okay, the aggressive side of me will admit that, perhaps, yes, a *little bit* to restrain him. But it's also to twine my fingers with his and be connected to him in yet another way. To hold hands. Such a simple, pure act when the thoughts I am entertaining are anything but pure. I travel downwards again, crouching when I need to, licking and kissing his breastbone, the firm muscles of his abdomen, and I encounter his belly button, like a small, solitary constellation of one above the waistband of his boxers. Please explain to me how a belly button can be sexy. This is a concept I have never really considered about the male body. Belly buttons, as befitting their name, are supposed to be cute, at best. But there it is, and I must admit -- this is the sexiest belly button I have ever seen. I almost want to smile at the ridiculousness of this thought. Then I want to bite it. Not hard, just enough so that he knows I'm there, though his now labored breathing indicates he may already be well aware of this fact. I settle for kissing it instead, dipping my tongue into the indent in a way that is so blatantly suggestive, I startle myself. I feel his penis, still confined by his boxers, twitching beneath my chin. What a strange feeling. What a *wonderful* feeling. Perhaps a little *too* wonderful, if there is such a thing, because suddenly Mulder is pulling his hands from mine, grabbing my wrists, and yanking me up to a standing position, not roughly, just quickly enough to make the world spin delightfully off-kilter. I stare into his face. His cheeks are flushed, his eyes are glittering. I did that, I think with a feeling of power so heady, I am ready to start all over again, just to rediscover it. His lips have little teeth marks in it that I know are self-inflicted, and I long to run my tongue across them, soothe them. I lean forward to do just that, and he holds me just slightly away. "Not fair, Scully," Mulder says with a growl, but there is a smile behind his eyes. "Not fair at all." ******** END (4/6) SMOKING (5/6) By Michaela and Emma Baker ******** I feel beautiful. I feel cherished. Imagine that: Dana Katherine Scully has taken every bit of uncertainty and jealousy and self-loathing knit up inside of me and unraveled them into something beautiful and whole. Somehow, I always knew it would take something ridiculous like jealousy to get us two stubborn souls to come together. And for us to realize that we love each other. It's as simple as that. She is me and I am her. But more importantly, we are ourselves. The same woman and man who fell in love almost despite ourselves. The same woman and man who depend on each other for everything, especially our souls. As I watch her head dip below me, teasing my body with her tongue, I feel an amazing surge of joy. And I know -- I just *know* -- that she feels the same. We could have always had this happiness and pure joy we are feeling. . . why on earth did we wait? Because we're two stubborn souls, that's why. The thought makes me smile. I give myself over to every single tiny sensation she bestows upon me. But then her tongue dips into my belly button -- my *belly button* -- and my every cell ignites. I realize that this has the potential to be over very soon. Her chin brushes against my penis. Yes, *very* soon. Before I realize what I'm doing, I have my hands on her wrists and am pulling her up to me. She stands before me, dazed and wild. I need her. God, I need her. She leans in toward me again, wanton and awed. Just like me. Even now, we mirror each other. But I pull back. I won't let her have it so easily. We need a challenge. And we're wearing far too many clothes. I scarcely hear my voice floating out of me. "Not fair, Scully. Not fair at all." I want to touch her, I want to taste her, I want to make her scream. But first, we have some unfinished business. I have to rid myself of these clothes before I can begin to slowly rid Scully of hers. So I clasp her hands and bring them to my hips, then slowly push down just a tiny bit. This is her cue that she can go further. Oh, Lord. Perhaps I will never feel anything quite so amazing as Scully's hands on my hips. If not, then I can die happily. She looks at me as her hands begin their descent. I wonder what she is thinking? She's such a mystery to me, even as I unfold her. The fabric of my boxers brushes and scrapes across my erection. Oh, my God. Ohmygod omigod ohgod. And then her fingers are there, lightly tracing its length as the fabric drops to the floor. A massive flood of sparks race through my abdomen. I'd look down at her, but my eyes simply won't focus. My lungs won't breathe. And I am in love with her. Oh, God, I am in love with her. I put my hands under her arms and pull her up to me, then crane my neck down to kiss her deeply and run my fingers down her back. And then I pull my gaze away from her and look down at her breasts. Her beautiful, amazing, full breasts. Her gaze follows mine. I *swear*, they are swelling even as we watch. Wow. "But the fact remains that you are still wearing more clothing than me, Agent Scully." "Oh, does it?" "Yes, ma'am." "Well, do something about it." As always, I do her bidding. My hands rest on her hips and I look down. And I can't help laughing. "Scully, you wear Hanes Her Way briefs?" "High-cut briefs, thank you very much." "But still...!" "Look, they do the job. And I wasn't exactly expecting --" her hands brush across my chest, "this!" As the phrase, "You weren't expecting to make love tonight?" springs to mind, so does the memory of Chuck The Bastard, and of my jealousy. I realize just how ridiculous I was. I realize that whatever happened between the two of them that evening, it had no effect on me or us being here together. I realize that it has nothing to do with her loving me and my loving her. A wave of guilt washes over me. How on earth could I be so stupid? Even though it's all in the past and forgotten now, I have to tell her before I can go any further. I just have to, even if it means wrecking everything we have achieved. "Scully, I need to tell you something. I did something... and I don't know if I can make it right, but I have to try. I just have to." I have to look away from her. Shock is etched into her face. "What on earth are you talking about?" She raises her hand to my cheek, grounding me. I realize that nothing will ever, *ever* harm me in her arms, but I still need to apologize, for both our sakes. "I hurt you earlier. And God, I'm so sorry for it. SO sorry. I need to know that you forgive me. Because I don't want this," I spread my arms out, encompassing the world around us, "to be under a cloud of tension and jealousy and hurt. I just need you to know I'm sorry." Her hand continues to softly caress my cheek. "You mean the things you said earlier?" I nod slightly. She takes a deep breath. "Well, I'm not going to lie to you, Mulder. They hurt me. They hurt me a great deal." I feel my body stiffening. "But I truly believe that you didn't mean them, and yes, I forgive you." I love her. "And for the record, I did *not* sleep with Chuck Mitchell, nor do I find him sexually attractive in the least. Hell, he makes Frohike look like Brad Pitt." I manage a half-smile. Have I said lately that I love her? "Now, Mulder, the clothes...?" Oh, yeah. My thumbs hook around the elastic of her underwear and hose. I'm going to take my time, make this feel *right*. She has given me so much tonight and it's my turn to give something back. I slowly ease the fabric over her hips and lower myself to my knees in front of her. I begin to move the sheer hose down her legs, uncovering the patch of sandy-colored hair between her legs. I look up at her. She gives me a "Don't say a WORD, Mulder" look. So I bite my tongue. Anyway, I'm too preoccupied with the feel of the skin of her legs against my palms. Wow. As she steps out of one foot, she braces herself on my shoulders. I slip the hose and underwear off of one toe, then she shifts her weight and raises the other foot. I pull the hose free and then just rub her foot, lazily. Thinking of how incredibly intimate this act is -- her hands on my shoulders and my hands rubbing her foot. The next logical thing is to touch her even more, so I pull my arms around her hips and hug her to me. My cheek rests on her belly for a long moment, as I refuse to think but instead merely *feel*. Feel her next to me. Feel her heart beating just above my ear. Feel the hum of the electrical charge between us. And then, still holding her to me, I stand up. She is slung over my shoulder. And I love it! Her fists beat on my lower back, as she laughingly yells, "What are you DOING, Mulder?" "Taking you to bed!" I give her bottom a nice pat, and a huge grin breaks out on my face. I never knew I could be this happy. As we get closer to the bed -- the bed with a cheap brown-on-brown bedspread and a plywood headboard -- Scully whispers in my ear. "The dresser. Sit me on the dresser." Huh? But I'm not about to second-guess Scully. Not now. So I sit her down on the dresser. And as her legs spread in front of me, I realize just what she's intending. Whoa. I grab her wrists and cross her arms above her head, against the mirror. I pin them with my own hands and then quickly begin to devour her. Lips are kissed, shoulders are nuzzled, breasts are suckled -- oh, wow, and my tongue covers every inch of her upper body. I drop to my knees once more and find myself facing her belly button. And I know exactly what I must do. I press my lips to it and suckle just a tiny bit, then curl my tongue and plunge it in. Her legs tighten around me and she lets out something between a squeal and a moan. I'm in heaven. ******** It is both a blessing and a curse to have a friend, partner and now lover -- *lover*.my mind is still wrapping around that singularly astounding concept - as fair-minded and equal-rights-oriented as Fox Mulder. For even as I initiated this odd lesson in belly-button erotica, Mulder feels compelled to prove true the old adage that turnabout is fair play. And now his tongue is dipping with deliciously cruel slowness into my navel, creating all kinds of speculation as to what other secret little places his tongue could discover. Further south. Mulder knows this - he must. He's a smart, intuitive man, in addition to being unreasonably sexy, which I'm sure I've mentioned before. My hips, which declared their independence from my brain several minutes ago, are undulating - literally *undulating*, who knew hips could really do that? - beneath him, reminding him that there are far more exotic locales in lower regions that require his explorations. I feel his tongue flicker just around the edges of my navel, in a manner that is so insinuative, I hear myself gasp and my body lunges upwards, straining against his hands, which still hold my wrists. He lifts his head, begins to drag his body and tongue lower - yes, Mulder, oh thank GOD - and suddenly he stops. He looks at me. The grin is my warning, but it still doesn't entirely prepare me. "Okay, all done," he says cheerfully. Bastard. I mean that in an entirely loving way, of course. My heart loves him. My mind loves him. But my body is right now considering homicidal acts against him. Women have always been given credit for being able to control their bodies better than their hearts in matters of romance. Tell that to MY body. It's practically quivering with the need for...well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what my body wants right now. "Mulder," I say in a tone that I intended to be threatening, but which only ends up sounding like a plea. Damn. "Something wrong, Scully?" he asks oh-so-innocently, and he's still grinning. Bastard. You can't really blame me. I am trying so hard not to smile right now, because I am thrilled with him, even when I want to kill him. "Mulder," I say again, and my voice is stronger now. I am woman, hear me roar. He starts to lift himself up, away from the part of me that is simply dying for him to be there, and I take action -- my hands are still prisoner, but Mulder has forgotten that the majority of a woman's physical strength is in her lower body. Silly man. With a swiftness that surprises even me, I lock my small but powerful legs around his ribcage. Ha. Now he's as much a prisoner as I am. It's a draw... "Going somewhere, Agent Mulder?" I ask in my coolest, most professional FBI voice. I gaze up at him beneath my lashes, a hint of challenge quirking its way across my lips. "I hadn't entirely decided, Agent Scully," he replies without missing a beat. "I was wondering what you might recommend?" Oooh, flirtacious banter. This *is* exciting. I am as much turned on by this mock battle of wills as I am by the fact that my naked body is wrapped like a vise grip around Mulder's. "Well, it depends on what you want," I parry with a coy smile of my own. His gaze sobers suddenly, becomes so scorching that I find myself holding my breath, feel the delicious burn of it across my skin. This is passion. Pure, unadulterated passion. And he's looking at *me*. "You," he rasps. "I want you." And his head dips downward and he is *there*, there where I have wanted him forever, even before this night, and I am dimly aware that he has let go of my wrists and is holding my hips instead in his wide, strong hands, seizing me, cradling me, claiming me. In a matter of seconds, my entire existence has boiled down to this one moment, this one man, and this one incredible...tongue. I was right. Oh, good LORD, was I right. The ballpoint pens he chews on were merely a hint of his true skill. Oh my God. Oh my God, this has to be illegal. There is some state, some back-water town, where this is illegal. Pray to God Circleville is not one of them. Because there is no *way* this can possibly stop now. Fragments of thought are spinning like freed pinwheels in my brain, ricocheting off the thin rope of nerves that has sprouted between my clitoris and the base of my skull, supplementing my spine, which feels as if it's on fire. It's as if he's known my body longer than I have, has mapped out exactly where to touch me, and how. I whimper, I twist, I moan, I become a woman I hardly recognize but whom I've always wanted to know -- panting and pleading, demanding and taking -- and he is with me, anticipating me. Giving himself to me as I am to him. A notion flashes unbidden and unwelcome through my brain. He's so good at this. He has obviously had practice. Even a man as gifted as Mulder cannot know *everything* by instinct. Then thoughts of Phoebe Green and other women from his past whom I can only presume exist start galloping through my brain in a stampede of vitriole. I am jealous. Jealous. Me. That I was not his first, last and only, no matter how unrealistic that wish may be. And I realize how Mulder must have felt tonight, where his bitterness, his ugliness, came from. Jealousy. I forgive him again. Before, I forgave out of love and meant it. This time, I forgive out of empathy, and it is complete. Mulder's tongue, exploring insistently between my legs, demands my attention again and my body spasms of its own volition. It occurs to me that thoughts of Phoebe Green are not exactly mood-inspiring here, so I put them out of my mind, promising myself a later private moment to reflect further on this insight. Instead, I think of Mulder. The fact that this is Mulder, here, with me. With me. I roll the term on my tongue, taste it as Mulder is tasting me -- he is with me in the most physically and emotionally intimate senses of the phrase. This is amazing. That I am here, with Mulder, *with* Mulder, keeps rebounding through my mind, even as my body is spiraling upwards, tightening with each fevered lap of Mulder's tongue, even as my eyes squeeze tight because I know the world is about to explode. I welcome it. I crave it. Because I know he'll be with me. And he'll be here when I return, just as he always has been. It's going to be soon. My body is sending those same thrumming signals along my nerve endings that it relays when I'm on the verge of an orgasm, but they are more intense than any I've ever felt before. This is amazing. I can feel my toes curling. I don't ever remember my toes curling during an orgasm before. This is just...stunning. This is Mulder. The enormity, the utter bliss of this concept, thrills me anew. I allow myself one tiny peek. And I see that it's true, it's really Mulder here, I'm not dreaming this, Fox Mulder is really there, between my legs, doing the most loving, erotic and intimate things to me. With me. He is watching me, even as his tongue makes love to me, his gaze boring into mine, wanting to see me come. I shatter. For long moments, I cannot piece together one single thought that might, in even some loosely interpreted way, resemble a sentence. Or even an idea. Or possibly even a noun. There you go. Almost three decades of continuous education, destroyed by the singularly most intense orgasm I have ever had in my life. The thought makes me smile, a lazy, satisfied, almost-drowsy smile that reminds me of the rest of my body, slumped bonelessly against the mirror, sprawled on a motel dresser. My eyes are closed. Funny, the lights exploding behind my eyelids had made me forget they were closed. I drag them open, and see Mulder looming over me, his face close to mine, with this tender, sexy expression that makes me tremble all over again. "Wow," I offer weakly, wishing I could come up with something a little more profound, a little more complex, that could express what I am feeling right now, in this moment, with him. But I managed an interjection, albeit it a meager one, and considering a minute ago, I didn't think I could summon a noun, I should be pleased. The smile on Mulder's face, that slow, shining grin, tells me that I have succeeded on some unspoken level to convey my true feelings on the subject. Thank God. I look at his mouth, at his lips as they smile. They are wet. I realize that part of this is...me. And I love him even more. A sudden burst of energy catches me unawares, and I sit up, realizing as I do that at some point, I must have grabbed Mulder's hair and I am still loosely holding him, the strands twined through my fingers. I curl my legs, which are rather rubbery but still obeying simple commands, around his waist, raising myself to him. His arms encircle me instinctively, supporting me within them. I gently tug his face closer yet to mine, and I catch his mouth with a kiss, tasting him, tasting me, and loving that in this way, too, we are combined. I pull back, and he looks surprised at my exuberance, my utter abandon. Happily surprised, I might add. So that's okay. I stare into his eyes, and he into mine. No words are spoken, they don't need to be. And Fox Mulder is carrying me to bed. ******** I feel like one of those guys in a romance novel. You know the ones: the strong manly man in the full bloom of manhood clutching a beautiful maiden in his arms. The ones with heroes named Ridge and Cliff and Forest and, er, Fox. Okay, scratch that. Anyway -- these things are on sale in every single airport newsstand, so I think that my powers of perception have figured out a thing or two from the covers of those novels. They're all about sex. That's right -- sex. Fabulous, intense, earth-shattering sex. But however amazing the sex between Ridge and his beloved Plateaux might be, it could in no way approach even a fraction of what is happening right now between me and Dana Katherine Scully. Yes, it's that amazing. I have her in my arms and am carrying her over to the bed. The ugly rock-hard plywood bed covered with a spread in several disturbing shades of brown. No bed has ever looked so beautiful to me. And no woman has ever looked so beautiful. I look down at her face. Her cheeks are still a little flushed and her pupils a little dilated from her climax, and that only adds to her amazing beauty. Wow. But most importantly, the woman in my arms loves me. Cherishes me. I can see it in her eyes -- the same eyes which have shown me disdain, skepticism, respect, and intense trust over the last four years. This is Scully. This is SCULLY. Wow. I have found my religion right here in my arms. SHE is my faith, my hope, my challenge, and most importantly, my lover. I feel blessed. I sit down on the edge of the bed, still cradling her in my arms, her head resting against my shoulder and her arm loosely around my neck. Her eyes are misty and her mouth is slightly open through trembling lips. I tighten my grip on her just a tiny bit, still gazing down at her for a very long moment. Absorbing her into my skin, my soul. She smiles up at me, her face a ray of sunshine and arousal. "Mulder, this is where you're supposed to set me down." I merely stare back at her, a beautiful honesty invading my heart. "I can't." A wistful smile spreads across my lips. "I can't let you go." Her arms tighten around me and her body twists in my arms. And her lips are everywhere -- on my cheeks, on my neck, on my own lips. Inside my mouth. Inside my soul. Her voice whispers into my ear. "I'll always be here." We're dripping with desire. She closes her hands on my shoulders and slowly pushes me down onto the bed. I realize that I *can* let go of her, because I know she'll be here with me, just as she has always been here with me. We scoot back on the bed until I am lying on it, my body spread bare for her worship. And worship she does. Yup, Ridge and Plateaux never had it so wonderful. The idea of my ripping Scully's bodice springs unbidden to my mind, and I can't resist laughing. I look up at Scully, who has straddled my body and is leaning over me, and a smile spreads across her face. I don't have to explain my laughter to her. She knows. She sees the joy in my soul and embraces it. Wow. I feel her hands all over me. They touch my body, leaving trails of fire. And then they're right where I need them most. Her hands send me into paroxysms of beauty and pleasure as they massage my erection. My body feels liquid and solid at the same time. How incredibly amazing. I close my eyes to absorb the pleasure, then open them amidst swirls of sparkling light. I'm not dreaming. She is there above me, her eyes etching into me even as her hands work their magic. This is Scully. Everything in our lives has borne down to this moment -- the moment where the world dissolves around us and she is lowering herself onto me, her rich, wet core sheathing me. Oh, God, I am inside her. Or is she inside me? Both, I imagine. We're inside each other. She brings her body flush against mine and we are connected -- not only at our hips, but our mouths are kissing each other and our hands are clutching each other tightly. And we lay there together, unwilling to move, unwilling to do anything which might break the connection. She is so tight around me. Oh, Lord, she is so tight. Her vaginal muscles clench around me, just like that, and I realize that I could come at any moment. And it wouldn't be a moment too soon. I throw my head back against the mattress and open my eyes. She fills my vision. I realize that I must look wild, untamed. I'm glad. She brings out that side of me. She clenches those muscles again, milking me, and I almost surrender. Almost. And then I realize that I have to bring her with me or it won't be complete. I grit my teeth and force sound through my mouth. "Stop that." She grins back at me and gives me one more clench, her hands in mine mimicking what she's doing to my erection. I hear her voice say coyly, "Stop what?" Witch. Harlot. Tease. God, I love her. I try to keep my voice firm, but it's just so damn hard when I'm in the midst of the most amazing sexual experience of my life. Finally, I muster up words once again. "You're coming with me." She grins again, and swoops down to capture my mouth. I am in love with her. Oh, Lord, I am in love with her. Finally, I untangle my hands from hers and wrap one arm around her back, using the other to push off as I roll us over so that she's under me. I press my body into hers and brace one elbow next to her. I begin to pump into her body, slowly, deliberately. I build up a rhythm -- six deep thrusts then stop, then allow my hands to sweep over her upper body, touching her breasts, milking her nipples. She writhes under me -- imagine that, Dana Scully writhing! And then I begin the rhythm again, my body somehow doing things I never would have thought possible. It doesn't take long. It doesn't take long at all. Just a few more thrusts and I am there. Oh, God, I am there. Somehow I brace myself on my legs and I bring one hand down between us and massage her clitoris roughly, deliberately, swirling my fingers around the swollen little nub. My other hand kneads one breast, imitating what my lips were doing earlier -- what they want to be doing now were it not physically impossible. Funny how I'm so close to such a profound orgasm, yet even now it's all about her. It's always about her. Everything in my life now is about her. And we come together. Oh, God, we come together. My mind ceases to function. I'm so still, yet everything around me moves. It's a flurry of movement. I feel exhilirated, breathless, full. Even as I empty into her, I feel full and sated. And as I look down at Scully, her face glowing with the haziness of climax achieved, I feel complete. ******** END (5/6) SMOKING (6/6) By Michaela and Emma Baker ******** "How many for breakfast this morning?" "Two." Mulder and I answer the restaurant hostess in unison, and I find an unexpected little thrill shiver through me. Two. Two for breakfast. Lunch. Dinner. Whatever. But two. We are two. A pair. More so now than ever before. A...couple. I realize my cheeks feel hot, and I must be blushing, as if the hostess could possibly know, or even be remotely interested in, what Mulder and I were doing last night. Or this morning. Or tonight, after we've put in a full day's work on this case. Because I plan on making up for years of lost time. I dare an almost-shy glance up at Mulder and he is grinning down at me, his eyes shining in a way that I have rarely been allowed to see in all our years together. This is his special glow, the one he usually hides behind a curtain of inscrutability more "enigmatic" than I have ever been accused of. But his eyes are glowing now, at me, and I know he is also thinking of this, this *two-ness*. I return the smile, and the glow. I must look like a love-struck idiot. I don't care. The hostess scurries off to do whatever it is she must do to prepare our table, and I take a moment to play the wanton, a role I have so recently claimed in Mulder's life, and one I am reluctant to abandon any time soon. I let a smile twitch at the edge of my mouth. "Or perhaps three for breakfast," I remark in a whisper. "You, me, and George." The look on Mulder's face would be absolutely comical if I weren't already seized by this desire to drag him off to the nearest vacant restroom stall and ravish him all over again. "George?" he manages to choke out, confused and intrigued. "George," I reply simply, and, with a surreptitious glance to make sure we are not being observed, I let my fingers do the walking. To telephone my meaning in terms he will understand. My hand brushes oh-so-carefully across his penis, safely hidden away inside his dress pants, pressing it firmly and with deliberate emphasis. He gasps, jerks his head around wildly, as if afraid we are going to be arrested on the spot, and his hand lunges upward to grab mine, twining his fingers with mine and pulling my hand quickly, if reluctantly, away and down to our sides. "George." He is repeating the name in an only slightly strangled tone, puzzling over it. I allow myself a smile. He probably had some other name for it already. Men do that. Something like Lance or Pop-Up Johnny or...God only knows. E.B.E., for all I know. But I've decided to lay claim. Make my own history for him, now that I am part of it. "Well, Mulder," I say in as husky and playful a voice as I can manage, "as I recall, I spent a significant amount of time this morning kissing and loving and squeezing him. So I will call him George." His short bark of laughter, surprised from him, draws the attention of a few diners in front and I smile blandly, as if I have just told the most clever little joke to the man I'm with. With. God, that is absolutely my new favorite preposition. I am *with* Mulder. And, in a startlingly burst of awareness, I realize he is still holding my hand, his fingers curled with mine as if it is the most natural thing in the world. It is. "I'm sorry about the restaurant, Scully, but I think it's the only one open in this town in the morning," Mulder says, interrupting my most amazing train of thought. I smile up at him, a serene smile that doesn't betray the stomachful of butterflies I am feeling as I see my future -- our future -- spreading open before me, with all of its intriguing possibilities and trembling uncertainties. "Denny's is fine, Mulder." Don't laugh. Denny's *is* fine. The restaurant is not personally responsible for the phenomenon that is Chuck. And frankly, I would gulp down chili dogs from a roach coach on Pennsylvania Avenue in the middle of winter if it meant I got to do it while I was standing with Mulder, his fingers gently caressing mine as they are now. Okay, so that was almost nauseatingly mushy, but it's true. Denny's is just fine if Mulder's in it with me. Look at this as the restaurant's way of redeeming itself in my memory after the Chuck dinner disaster last night. I will no longer have a Denny's phobia, thanks to this moment. "Your table is ready," the hostess announces and Mulder and I step together to follow her. Then we falter, glancing down uncertainly at our clasped hands, then up at one another. I arch an eyebrow, he quirks his mouth in a wry grin. And we keep walking. Together. Holding hands. A bona fide, honest-to-God, hey-look-at-us couple. And guess what? The world hasn't ended. Dark forces haven't swept in to physically pry us apart. People aren't staring. We appear as normal and usual to them as anyone you might ever see on the street. This is natural. This is fated. This is us. I walk a little taller, my chin held proudly high, proud to be seen with this man and proud that we can seize these small displays of affection without fear, worry or shame. Yes, we're in another state. But we can make this work. We *will* make this work, forever. And a day. "Dana?" The sound of my name jerks me from my delightful little reverie. I glance to my right and my body calls a full-halt; I feel a gentle tug of resistance up my arm, and then Mulder is stopping beside me. Chuck. At Denny's. What a surprise. "Hello, Chuck," I smile, much more gracious this morning, now that everything I want in the world has been placed into my hands like a gift. "*You're* Chuck?" I hear Mulder ask the question and I can't stop the grin that spreads across my face, the slight tremor of a chuckle that shakes my body. Shock has lent Mulder the subtlety of the proverbial bull in a china shop. His comment was utterly without tact, but blessedly, Chuck will never get it. His power of perception is rather limited in the social arena -- I offer last night's dinner as my proof. "Mulder," I say, catching his attention, and he drags his gaze away from Chuck. "This is Chuck Mitchell, the friend I had dinner with last night. Chuck, this is Fox Mulder." I have no need to explain to Chuck my relationship with Mulder. It's obvious from the way I'm holding Mulder's hand in mine, the way I'm leaning ever-so-slightly into his arm, the way I turn my face up to his and let my eyes smolder as I look at him. Even a man as body language-impaired as Chuck Mitchell can see that Mulder and I are...Mulder and I. End of discussion. "Nice to meet you," Chuck says around a mouthful of pancakes, offering a syrup-stained hand for Mulder to shake. He takes it gamely, managing to hide the wince as a smear of syrup is pressed into his palm. "Pleasure," Mulder replies, releasing his hand and -- he makes me so proud -- not immediately wiping his hand against his coat, or pant leg...or me. Though maybe that's not a bad idea. "Good to see you again, Chuck. We'll have to do this again...sometime," I offer lamely, and then I am tugging Mulder away from his table and to ours, where the hostess has already laid out our menus and hustled away. "So that was Chuck," Mulder comments blandly, sliding into the booth and pulling me in beside him. "That was Chuck," I reply. "See why I was in such a bad mood last night? Well...at least for a while..." I give him a coy smile, the kind that tells him I am remembering very particular nuances of why my mood so drastically improved last night. He smiles. "He seemed...nice." Good Lord, Mulder still sounds vaguely insecure. How could this be possible? After last night, after this morning....after actually *seeing* Chuck and talking with him, even briefly, he can still wonder about his own worthiness? "Mulder, I was bored stiff with him last night," I say emphatically, catching his hand again with mine. "It was wretched. The only saving grace is that I got to see him again this morning, with you." "With me?" He's puzzled. "Sure. Mulder, I was showing you off. Getting a little revenge against the ex-boyfriend, immature as it might be. I wanted him to see how great I've got it." I let the silliest grin spread across my face, delighted with my own adolescent giddiness, and the fact that I am soothing Mulder's painfully scarred ego. This man has received far too little love, far too little praise, in his life. He doesn't know what to do with it when he *does* receive it. Thank God, I'm here. I will teach him, and relearn it with him. He smiles again and, glory be, twice in less than 12 hours, it is the one with teeth. I feel my bones liquifying. If Mulder knew just how much power he has over me, just with a look or a smile, he could be dangerous. We break eye contact long enough to look over our menus, but I can't keep from stealing glances at him from the corner of my eye. It is a habit I will have trouble breaking, having for so long had to hide my utter interest in him, not letting myself be caught simply feasting in the look of him. Actually, there is still a rather delicious pleasure in sneaking these peeks, a thrill of sorts. As if I can nibble off pieces of him with my eyes and tuck them away in my heart. And then I'm gasping, because unless my nerve endings are entirely deceiving me -- and admittedly, they've had an exhausting night -- Mulder's toes are creeping their way up my calf. How did he get his shoe off so quickly? I look over at him. He's studiously avoiding my gaze, but there is this tell-tale smile at the corners of his mouth. Casually, I wiggle my opposite foot out of my high-heeled shoe and shift my position, presumably to cross my legs. And I stretch out with one stockinged foot and search for...Aha. George. Unfortunately, Mulder just took a sip of water. Hmmm. The server will have to clean the mess later, because that mouthful of water is now sprayed all over the table in a fit of startled coughing from poor Mulder. Diners are turning to stare at us and I pull my leg down quickly, resting my chin on my hand and letting my fingers hide the smug, delighted grin on my lips. The restaurant patrons return their attention to their meals. Nothing to see here. Nothing unusual at all. We have escaped detection. I widen my eyes oh-so-innocently at Mulder. "Something wrong, Mulder?" I ask, my voice muffled but not hiding my amusement. "Agent Scully, we're going to have a little demonstration later on the psychological effects of invading personal body space," he said in a low, insinuative voice. "I look forward to it, Agent Mulder." ******** What was that? WHAT on earth was that? I mean, I *think* it was a foot and I'm pretty damn sure it came in contact with a highly sensitive part of my body, but hell, this is Scully. And my Scully is not wanton. Is not such a tease. At least, I don't think so. But then, I'm discovering all sorts of interesting things about Scully this morning, like how she does taste (yup, clean and a little salty), and what her face *does* look like when she comes (breathtakingly beautiful). And that she -ahem- likes to give and recieve oral sex. Fine with me. I've also realized just what a loving woman she is. She told me this morning as we lay together that she's loved me for a long time, even though she never did anything about it. I confessed the same of myself. For two intelligent and strong people, we really can be fools sometimes. Though, so long as she's *my* fool, I'll be happy. Oh, Lord, I fall in love and I become sappy. Shoot me now. But then I steal a glance at Scully, who is fastidiously spreading her napkin in her lap, and decide that I don't mind the sappiness one bit. So what did I order? In honor of last night, a Grand Slam breakfast, of course. Hell, not only did I hit a home run last night, but I..... why can't I complete that sentence? Whatever. The important thing, though, is that Scully (my lover!) is here, sitting next to me eating Belgian waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. Whipped cream and strawberries? Good Lord. Scully looks up at me and licks a tiny white creamy speck off the corner of her mouth. I can't help chuckling at her getting her breakfast all over herself. She picks up on my train of thought, of course, and smugly says, "Look, I'm feeling pretty exotic this morning." "Exotic?" "Yeah. And if you're good, you'll find out tonight just how exotic I'm feeling." She gives me a tiny grin and takes another bite of her waffles. Here I am, sitting contentedly in a Denny's with my lover, eating a decent healthy breakfast. What could be better? And I'm feeling really good about myself. REALLY good, for a change. All that anger and hostility from last night have evaporated away, leaving a tingly feeling in my stomach that might be either hunger or love. Personally, I hope the latter. Yeah, I know we have "issues," but we also have plenty of time to work on those. And time to cure me of this sudden craving for nicotine. For right now, though, we'll live for the present. We discuss the case as we finish eating, then pay our bill and walk out to the car together, to begin another day of investigation. Together. What a wonderful word. ******** THE END. Please, *please* send any and all feedback to emmalanna@aol.com or mickirae@aol.com. Thanks so much for reading! ~~~~~ Emma Baker, emmalanna@aol.com ~~~~~ "Oh my god! They killed Kenny!" "You bastard!" --South Park. www.concentric.net/~alanna my new fanfic page.... www.concentric.net/~alanna/fanfic.html